Promotional Game Rules

Terms and Conditions of the Promotion

I. promotion

I.1. The purpose of the Promotion (hereinafter: "Promotion") is to promote the online store (hereinafter: "Store").

I.2 The promotion is organized by

Company: Matavit Ltd.,
Avenida de los Pirineos 9, nave 9.
28703 San Sebastian de los Reyes - Madrid, Spain

I.3. The promotion starts on September 15, 2021 and ends on September 14, 2022. It takes place in dedicated live TV shows. The organizer reserves the right to suspend, end or extend the campaign.

II. Eligibility

II.1 Participation in the promotion constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

II.2 The promotion is open exclusively to legal residents who are physically present in Romania, have reached the age of 18 and who have purchased a digital coupon during the promotion in any of the ways indicated below.

II.3 Employees of the Promoter, Program Producer, of the television stations where the Promotion will be broadcast (hereinafter referred to as "Television"), mobile and fixed telephone service companies, parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates, agents, representatives, promotional and advertising agencies or any of their affiliated or associated corporations, family members up to and including the second degree and any person whose access to the promotion has been denied by the Promoter (collectively, "Excluded Parties") are not eligible to participate.

III. promotion

III.1. The promotion takes place among the store's digital coupon buyers. The purchase can be made through various payment methods, such as credit or debit card payment, PayPal or a surcharge.

III.2 It is free for all buyers of digital coupons during the promotion to participate in the promotion.

III.3. The promotion includes a series of live television programs (hereinafter "Program" and "Programs") during the hours listed by the TV channels.

III.4 In the program, viewers will be invited to answer a knowledge question to which they will be able to answer live if they are selected by a random system of buyers, according to Chapter IV. If the answer is correct, the selected buyer will be awarded a prize.

IV. Digital coupons

IV.1 The purchase of a digital coupon in advance is a mandatory condition to participate in the promotion.

The promotion is free among digital coupon buyers. Digital coupons can only be used to purchase products from the online store. Shipping costs are not included, they will be paid separately.

IV.2 Digital coupons can be purchased by paying with a credit or debit card or by calling the surcharge telephone number.

The telephone number (s) may change and the number published in the TV program will always be valid. The cost of the call is € 1.45 (VAT included) from a landline and € 2 from a mobile phone. A call and/or the purchase of a digital coupon does not guarantee the connection to the studio and winning.

V. Awards

V.1 Prizes for each game, the exact amount of cash prizes, prize descriptions and retail values of non-cash prizes will be announced by the host of the show at the beginning of the game.

V.2 The Promoter does not guarantee that prizes will be awarded in each program.

V.3 Prizes that are cash prizes will be paid by bank transfer to an account nominated by the Buyer of the winning digital coupon.

V.4 The right to receive the prize is not transferable or exchangeable.

V.5 The prize for each game will be described at the beginning of the show and can be increased during the game. At any time before selecting the Buyer, it will be at the absolute discretion of the Promoter to choose another prize from the higher value prize pool.

VI. Choosing the winner

VI.1 A Selected Buyer is the one chosen at random from Buyers during the Round (a “Round” is the period of time from the last selection to this selection), which is then connected directly to the studio. ("Selected Buyer").

VI.2 The selected buyer can win by answering a question from the host. If the answer given by the selected Buyer is correct, he wins a cash guaranteed prize and can immediately participate in the bonus game if a bonus prize was announced and proposed by the host during the Game.

VI.3 Each Purchase has the same chance of being drawn so that its buyer becomes the Selected Buyer to enter live.

The extraction process is as follows. Each purchase receives a random number greater than 0 and less than 1. At the end of the round, the buyer of the purchase who received the lowest number becomes the selected buyer and will be called and connected directly. The round ends with the decision of the director of the show.

VI.4 When a round closes, the system no longer accepts new purchases for that round and all post-closure purchases will participate in a new round, regardless of whether the Buyer selected from the closed round has already entered live or not. Only purchases that were made during the round participate in the selection of connection to the show. When a show ends, but a round does not, then the round is interrupted until the next show begins, at a similar time of day, and the interrupted round continues.

VI.5 The selected buyer will be called by the Promoter to the telephone number provided by him and will be asked to stay on the line until he is transferred to the host to enter the show live. If, for any reason, the Promoter cannot contact the Buyer by the telephone number provided by him (including, but not limited to, the busy tone received, the "unknown number" message received, the reply message received, the telephone line malfunctioning), the following The buyer - in the order of the smallest ticket number received - will be selected to connect to the show.

VI.6 When the answer given to the question by the selected Buyer is incorrect, then a new Buyer will be selected from a new round to give a correct answer to the question or the game may be stopped and a new game will be introduced by the host or the show may end.

VI.7 When the answer given to the question by the selected Buyer is correct, the selected Buyer wins the prize announced by the host. The prize is announced on the TV screen and by the host.

VI.8 The Promoter shall not be liable for network, telephone or other malfunctions, disfunctions of any kind or for truncated, unintelligible or unreceived entries. Such entries will be considered null.

VII. Optional bonus game

VII.1 The host could give, to the selected Buyer who offers the correct solution to the question, an opportunity to win extra money by participating in a bonus game.

VII.2 The bonus game consists of a table with 16 blocks. The blocks are numbered from 1 to 16. Behind 4 blocks are hidden the same icons. The selected buyer is invited to select 4 blocks. The 4 selected blocks are rotated to reveal the icons behind them. If the 4 icons revealed are the same, it is considered that it provided a correct answer regarding the Bonus Game. Otherwise, the answer is considered incorrect.

VII.3 If the selected Buyer correctly answers a Bonus Question addressed to him, he will win a prize consisting of a Bonus question, in addition to the original prize;

VII.4 If the Selected Buyer answers a Bonus Question incorrectly, will still retain the prize for the Schedule Question, but will not be awarded with any prize for the Bonus Question and no one will be given the opportunity to answer this Bonus Question or nor will he awarded any prize in connection with that bonus question.

VII.5 In order to answer the Bonus Game Question ("Bonus Question"), the selected Buyer must be able to see the broadcast of the Program at the time the Bonus Question is asked;

VII.6 The decision of the promoter if the buyer has given a correct answer to any question or bonus question is final. The Promoter may set a time limit within which the Buyer must answer the Question or the Bonus Question and, if no answer is given within this time, the Buyer will be deemed to have given an incorrect answer.

VII.7 The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, declare invalid any or all entries made by a person if that person:

(i) does not prove his right to participate in the promotion in accordance with this Regulation;

(ii) manipulates the process of entry or benefits from such manipulation;

(iii) submits an entry that does not comply with these Conditions; or

(iv) tries, in the exclusive opinion of the Promoter, to manipulate the Promotion.

VII.8 Each Winning Buyer agrees that the Promoter and its advertising agencies shall use and publish their name, appearance, image and / or voice (including any photographs, films and / or recordings thereof), biographical information, city of origin and the region, by any means of the media, at any time or at any time, without geographical limitations of any kind, without remuneration, for the purpose of marketing the promotion, the program, the promoter and / or any of the promoter's products.

VIII. Notification and verification of the winner

VIII.1 The winners of the prize will be announced live and by phone, and their first name and city will be listed on the website. Winners will be required to provide proof of identity, age and ownership of the bank card, credit card or telephone number used to make a purchase. Bank cards, credit cards, mobile phones and landlines cannot be shared for the purpose of entering the program. In the event of a dispute over the identity of the buyer, the authorized account holder of the bank card, credit card or telephone number used for registration will be considered the buyer.

VIII.2 The Buyer whose name is provided for the first time when called by the Promoter will determine the answer to be sent to any Question or Bonus Question asked. The promoter will award (subject to the other provisions of this regulation) to that person any prize won for the answer to that question. The buyer can, if he chooses, share the prize money with third parties who helped him answer the question. The Promoter will not enter into any dispute regarding the distribution of prizes between Buyers.

VIII.3 The Promoter will verify the identity of a Winning Buyer after the Winning Buyer has successfully answered a Question or Bonus Question (as applicable). The winning buyer will be asked to provide the full name, address and additional information of the buyer, which is necessary to verify their identity. If the identity of the buyer cannot be verified, the buyer will lose his prize.

VIII.4 In order to be entitled to any prize, each winning Buyer must, at the request of the Promoter, agree and sign an eligibility form confirming his eligibility to accept the prize; and a disclaimer and / or indemnity form in favor of the Promoter and / or any entity associated with the Promotion, as determined by the Promoter. A winning Buyer who does not comply with these conditions loses his right to the prize.

VIII.5 If a prize is lost for any reason during the promotion, each prize will revert to the total prize pool to be redistributed during the promotional period.

IX. General conditions

IX.1 Instructions on how to play each game during the program will be provided by the host during the broadcast of the show. These game instructions will be considered as incorporated by reference and form part of this regulation. In the event of any dispute or disagreement regarding any aspect of a game, including its operation or the correct solution of any game, the Promoter's decision will be final and binding. All instructions for participation and information on prizes published by the promoter are part of this regulation.

IX.2 Buyers unconditionally agree to accept and be bound by these Official Rules and the Promoter's decisions, which will be final and binding on all aspects of the Game. The Promoter has the right to modify this regulation at its own discretion, without materially affecting the terms and conditions of the Promotion.

IX.3 The Promoter does not assume any responsibility for any tax liability incurred as a result of a person's participation in the promotion. 

IX.4 The Promoter may prohibit any Buyer from participating in the Promotion if, in its sole discretion, such Buyer shows a breach of this Regulation, or

(i) annoys, abuses, threatens or harasses any Buyer, Selected Buyer, Promoter or Host of the show

(ii) participates in a manner incompatible with official rules; or

(iii) participates in any other matter considered disruptive, in the exclusive opinion of the Promoter.

IX.5 The Promoter may disqualify at any time any Buyer and / or Competitor who

(i) does not comply with official rules,

(ii) provides inaccurate personal data, including but not limited to his contact telephone number,

(iii) does not provide proof of identity or other information regarding the eligibility requested by the promoter in a timely manner;

(iv) pirates the input process or uses any technology to gain an unfair advantage, including, but not limited to, the use of speed dialing hardware or software, automatic dialing devices, script, macro , robot or other means of input,

(v) engage in fraudulent conduct, including, but not limited to, the use of technology that allows the Buyer to evade the payment of taxes; or 

(vi) uses contemptuous language or language while live.

X. Disclaimer

The Promoter and the excluded parties are not responsible and will not be responsible for:

(i) late, lost, delayed, damaged, wrong, incorrect, incomplete, ineligible or unintelligible entries;

(ii) telephone, electronic, hardware, software, network, internet or computer failures or difficulties;

(iii) errors, malfunctions or transmission difficulties, computer systems, telephone lines, hardware or software failures or other errors, malfunctions, computers or telephone connections that are of a human and / or technical nature;

(iv) any condition caused by events beyond the control of the Promoter that may cause disruption or deterioration of the Promotion;

(v) any injury, loss or damage of any kind caused by a Prize or resulting from the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a Prize, or from participation in the Promotion or any damage to the Buyer's computer or mobile phone system which is caused directly or indirectly by accessing the website; or

(vi) any printing, typographical or broadcast errors in any material associated with these Official Rules or the Games in general.

The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, modify or terminate any ongoing game and not to award prizes in the event of a computer virus, unauthorized technical intervention or system failure that corrupts the administration, or the correctness of the game. The Promoter and the excluded parties do not assume any responsibility for any damage or injury to participants or any other person, related to or resulting from the introduction or download of materials or software in connection with this promotion. If, for any reason, the conduct or operation of the Promotion is interfered with or disrupted in any way (including vandalism, network outages, natural disasters,, civil disturbances, strikes, computer errors or viruses, manipulations or technical failures), the Promoter reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify, suspend or restart the Promotion, subject to the approval of the authorities that issued permits for its implementation. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for:

(i) any error, omission, interruption or delay in the operation or transmission of any communication, including any SMS communication sent to the Promoter or by him to any Buyer, regardless of whether it is caused by problems with networks or communication lines, computer systems, software or internet service providers, congestion in any network or otherwise;

(ii) any theft, destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of such communications;

(iii) any problem or technical failure of any computer system or other equipment used for the conduct of competitions; or

(iv) any incorrect or incomplete information that may be communicated during the administration of the competitions (either as a result of one of the above causes or otherwise).

To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter, companies and associated agencies and their personnel ("Relevant Parties") exclude any liability for any loss (including any damage, claim, damage, cost or expense) suffered or incurred by any Buyer or other person. which:

(i) is in any way related to the Promotion or any prizes; or

(ii) otherwise due to the dissemination of any program related to the Promotion or the publication of any material related to the Promotion, including statements by the Host, a staff member, other customers or any other person, including, suffers:

 (a) any indirect, economic or consequential loss;

 (b) any loss resulting from or caused by the negligence of a relevant party;

 (c) any liability for personal injury or death.

The Promoter shall have no liability to any Buyer or Selected Buyer in the event that a telephone call with that person is interrupted, disturbed or affected in any way by any circumstances beyond the Promoter's control at any time during the Game. In this case, that person will be removed from the Game and the Promoter reserves the right to select another Buyer.


XI. Applicable law: Limitation of liability

Buyers agree that this promotion will be governed by the laws of Romania and:

(i) any dispute, claim or cause of action arising out of or in connection with this program, the interpretation of the Official Terms and Conditions and Rules or any prize awarded shall be settled individually, without recourse to any form of collective action, and exclusively by to the competent courts in Romania.

All claims, judgments and decisions will be limited to the actual costs incurred, except for attorney's fees and court fees;

(ii) no criminal, incidental, special, consecutive or other damages may be awarded, including without limitation to lost profits (collectively, "special damages"); and

(iii) Buyers waive all special claims and any right to multiply or increase such damages. All questions and concerns regarding the structure, validity, interpretation and applicability of these General Terms and Conditions and the Official Rules will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Romanian laws.

XII. Customer relations

Interested parties may call ……. non-stop or you can email

XIII. List of winners

To get a list of the winners of the prizes, please visit the website at where the list of winners will be updated within two working days of the completion of each game.